Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Workout Tips: What's Your Type?

I love comic books, so what better way to explain different body types then by using superheroes and villains.  So, here’s my breakdown of the different body types via the Marvel universe.  Note that most people are mutant mixes of each body type and only a small portion of the population fit solely into one group. 

“Cue superhero music”:

Think of that lanky guy in high school.  He could eat like a horse and you wouldn’t know it.  If you’ve seen the first Spiderman movie, it’s the build that Peter Parker has when he looks in the mirror after being bit by the spider, thin would describe it best.  Then shortly after he looks in the mirror again and he’s rippling with muscle.  This is what happens when ectomorphs start training, so think Spiderman aka Peter Parker’s physique.

These people can lift a pen and still put on muscle.  They are the folks that are already naturally thick and muscular.  Once they start training, their muscles grow so quickly that their clothes can no longer hide their massive physique.  Think the Incredible Hulk.  “Hulk smash!”

These are the softies, they are usually rotund in shape and even that extra grain of rice can store as fat.  Don’t be deceived by their puffy exterior because these people tend to be quite strong with lots of hidden muscle underneath.  The best comparison would be the villain called The Blob from the X-men series. 

Or if you prefer, here’s a more scientific explanation of body types:

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