Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Healthy Tips: Eating Out

I like to eat out, it’s a simple pleasure in life that I won’t deprive myself of. It’s a great way to spend quality time with friends and family without having to slave away in the kitchen. However, I still try to exercise discipline with portion size and refined carbs when I’m dining out.

Here are a few tips where you can too:

• If you are with another person, order an appetizer and split your main course. This allows you to maintain portion control and it is easier on the wallet.
• Have a glass of water before dinner. When I am starving, I tend to order too much and as a result overeat. The water makes you feel full faster, so you will only order what you think you can consume
• Substitute the mashed potatoes, fries and rice with a nice house salad or extra vegetables
• Choose baked, steamed options over things that are deep fried. The deep fryer is not your friend
• Take your time to eat. You are out with friends or a significant other so enjoy that time together. Besides your stomach takes 20 minutes to realize that it is full, and when I take my time I always end up having a doggy bag to take home
• Skip dessert and have a piece of gum or candy instead to satisfy that sweet tooth. And if you must have dessert, try to share that as well.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips, thanks! Helps to pay attention to this especially when I never do any of the above.
