Friday, October 15, 2010

Workout Routine: Best Spartan - 300 Workout

Remember those Spartan warrior’s from Frank Miller’s awesome comic book turned movie?  Well if you want a body like Gerard Butler’s as King Leonidas, here’s a good workout to get you there.  The goal is to complete 300 repetitions within an hour's time with minimal breaks in between.  Please note this is an advanced workout and only attempt this if you are in good physical shape.

50 Lat Pulls at 100 lbs

50 Barbell Bench Press 45 lbs per side

50 walking lunges holding 30 lb dumbbells per arm

50 Barbell squats with 45 lbs per side

50 Barbell Deadlifts with 45 lbs per side

50 Decline situps

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor.  Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts.

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