Sunday, October 3, 2010

Healthy Tips: The Carbohydrate Debate

We need carbohydrates to survive as they are the first thing our bodies look to for energy. So don’t deprive yourself of carbs, instead consume the healthier alternatives over the refined ones. An easy way to distinguish between a good and bad carb is by determining whether it’s processed or natural. In other words, if the carb that you’re eating was refined and made in a machine, chances are it’s more likely to convert to fat. Try to stick to what mother nature intended, so have an apple and banana instead of that Danish for breakfast.

The more scientific approach to classifying carbohydrates is using the glycemic index (GI). In simple terms, this is how quickly the sugar in the food breaks down in your system. When you have simple sugars or refined carbs, like alcohol, they digest quickly and if not used, will store as fat. However, if you choose complex carbs like wild rice, it will break down slower and has a less likely chance to convert to fat. Now if you don’t burn off your carbs that you consume; whether good or bad, they will turn to fat, so it’s important to always lead an active lifestyle. Here’s a thorough list of GI in foods, stick to the foods that have a lower number.

As you can see, carbs come in a variety of different forms: fruits and vegetables, grain products, baked goods and candy to name a few. So it wouldn’t make sense to fully eliminate them from your diet, instead know the difference between each type.

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