Friday, October 8, 2010

The Power of Positive Thinking

Before Schwarzenegger became a Hollywood movie star, he was a world class body builder.  He had won multiple competitions including the coveted Mr. Olympia competition.  In his documentary Pumping Iron, he talks about visualizing growth on top of extensive training, so it wasn’t only his physical dedication but also his thought process that helped make him a champion.  In other words, he was able to will goals into reality. 

Self thought is a powerful thing.  It can change moods and behaviours that have been embedded in your head for years.  Here are a few steps I’ve taken to improve my life with positive thinking:

  • Repetition:  Like a Buddhist mantra, it’s the repetitive nature that brings one to enlightenment.  You can apply this to your positive thoughts as well, by repeatedly telling yourself that you will achieve your goal
  • Awareness:  Negative thoughts can creep into your thoughts like a snake in the grass, however, be aware of these bad thoughts and stomp them out before they materialize.
  • Say It Out Loud:  When I see people talk to themselves, I think they’re cuckoo, so do this when you have time to yourself; Put those positive thoughts out there and tell the world what you’re going to achieve out loud.
I truly believe that when you want something bad enough and are fully committed, you can achieve it. 

I know a wonderful life coach who has inspired me to achieve my dreams.  He’s a good friend of mine and I have the utmost respect for this man.  If you’re looking for some advice on living a more fulfilling existence, contact Russ.  He is wise beyond his years and his website is Life Coach Calgary

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