Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Training Tips: Be Formless…Shapeless…like Water

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Bruce Lee was one of my favourite action stars growing up. From that mushroom hairstyle to the ear-piercing screams while he was kicking some ass, there was something about this man that just oozed charisma. He was known throughout the world for his martial arts prowess as well as his philosophical mind. In one of his famous interviews he speaks about being formless and shapeless like water. This can be interpreted in many different ways and I saw it as having the ability to adapt to any situation seamlessly and effortlessly. And this is where I got my inspiration for this article about an anytime, anywhere workout.

Our world is surrounded by objects and obstacles, all of which can be used as equipment/tools for exercise. In fact, the art of parkour and free running is derived from this concept. But rather then see our urban jungle as a giant obstacle course, I will look at it as a giant gym complex. Look around you, there is equipment everywhere, use your imagination, just make sure you do not get arrested doing it. Trespassing and vandalism are not okay.

The next time you take a walk to the park, you may as well get a workout since you're there anyways.

Here are a few exercises that you can do anywhere:
Pushups – perform a pushup off of any object, whether it’s a table, chair or even the wall
Chinups – hold onto a tree branch or the top of a swing set, lift your body weight and chin above the bar and then lower
Dips – position your arms at your side with palms on the surface of a bench or a ledge with feet extended and weight on your heals, lift your body weight up and down bending only at your elbow joint
Stepups – Step up and down off of an elevated surface be it a picnic table or a rock

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