Monday, October 18, 2010

Healthy Tips: Would You Like Protein With That?

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Protein powders are becoming as popular as Mcdonald’s french fries. You can add it to your drinks at many establishments including Starbucks and Jugo Juice. It seems like everybody is jumping on the bandwagon, and I question I often get asked is, should I take protein supplements?

I would say that the answer is dependent on your protein needs. If you’re trying to build extra mass then protein will definitely help, since you’ll need more of it to help build muscle.

However, if you’re just a regular person like me trying to maintain their build, I would recommend that you just consume protein through your diet. So, getting it by eating lean meats, eggs, milk, beans, etc. should be sufficient. I personally prefer the more natural approach to things over anything heavily processed, so I try to get all my protein from eating foods that Mother Nature intended. I especially love my chocolate milk, there are 8 grams of protein per 250mL, and it tastes great!

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