Showing posts with label Train. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Train. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Training Tips: Building Lean Muscle Mass Fast Part 3

Here's the last post on building lean muscle mass fast, this part of training is usually neglected, but it's actually very important if you are to achieve your desired results.  It's something we do lots of anyways, but usually not enough, it's Sleep.  Getting a good night's rest can increase your results dramatically and also keeps you looking young and feeling good.  When we sleep our bodies are healing and repairing our muscles, so the more rest we get, the better chance you'll have at building your ideal body.

We are supposed to be getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night to be well rested.  It can be difficult with our busy lives and responsibilities, so here's a few tips to ensure you get some good shut-eye every night.

Eating Late:  Try not to eat anything 3-4 hours before bedtime because when you do, you're going to force your body to work overtime digesting the food, and as a result you'll have a less restful sleep since you're stomach will be churning away all night.

Winding Down:  Try giving yourself an hour before bedtime to wind down from the hectic day.  Whether it's reading a book or listening to some calming music, by not stimulating your body before bedtime, you'll have a better chance at good rest.

Schedule:  We have a natural biological clock and our bodies are amazing at adapting to things, so try to keep your sleep schedule normal.  Sleeping and waking at the same time every day will help you feel much more rested.  And you'll noticed that even on the weekends, you tend to wake up at your scheduled alarm time, even if it's only for a split second.  It's your body's natural attempt to stick to it's own clock.

So that wraps it up for this building lean muscle mass series, if you follow these three principles you should see great results.  Train, Eat and Sleep, that's all you need to do.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Training Tips: Build Lean Muscle Mass Fast Part 2

Yesterday we talked about how to train to ensure the most success when trying to build lean muscle mass.  Today we'll talk about the eating aspect of it.  Obviously, eating and training go hand in hand and one can't have success without the other

If you want to build lean strong muscles, you'll need to put good fuel into your body to do this.  What you eat will either help you reach your goal or sabotage your results. 

Here are a few key concepts to keep in mind for trying to achieve your goals:

Protein:  Protein is the building block of muscles, so if you want to build them, you'll have to eat alot of it.  It comes in many different forms and can be found in many different foods, lean meats, beans, milk, tofu and quinoa are a few good sources of protein.  It's important to consume a good amount of protein after your workouts, so that you can give your body something to build with.

Carbohydrates:  You do need to consume your carbohydrates, but you want to consume the healthy variety, which can be found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.  Try to consume your carbs before your workout, so you can use it as energy.

Balanced Diet:  A balanced diet is important because there are many other foods required to build a strong and supporting frame.  Vitamins, minerals and healthy fats are also a part of a balanced diet.  They can be found in fruits, vegetables and fish to name a few.  Try to keep your meals well-rounded by including alot of variety throughout the week.  Essentially, you should never be eating the same things twice in  one week.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Training Tips: Build Lean Muscle Mass Fast

Since starting this blog, I've focused alot of my attention on trimming or burning fat and weight loss. There are many people out there who are looking at building lean muscle as well, so these next few articles are for you.

If you're looking to build up and around your existing frame, or bulk up or lean out so to speak, there are few key principles that you need to abide by if you want success.

The first thing you should be focusing on is your training. It is important to train hard, but equally important to ensure muscle confusion takes place as well. The goal is to build lean, dense and strong muscles which will not only help you look and feel better, but as an added bonus it actually boosts your metabolism too. 

Muscle Confusion - in order to attain the best results, you need to keep your muscles guessing.  This means changing up your workout every few weeks, whether it's increasing weights, increasing repetitions or vice versa.

Compound Exercises - since we're not training to be body builders you want to perform exercises that engage as many muscles as possible.  Things like squats, pushups, chinups and burpees are great exercises that burn lots of calories and build lean muscle.

Regularity - if you want the best results you'll need to stop making excuses for not going to the gym.  Training on a regular schedule will ensure that you're always building and improving on your existing framework.

Tomorrow we'll talk about eating, an equally important part to your success

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Healthy Tips: What Not To Do Fitness Tip of the Week

If you try this at home, make sure the person doing the situps doesn't weigh more then you

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fitness Tip: Funny Workout Video

It's funny how many accidents are caused on a treadmill

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Healthy Tips: Cardio Workout

I know alot of people, especially men prefer just lifting heavy objects and women prefer just running on a treadmill for the fear of getting bulky.  However, both weights and cardio are important to have a balanced weekly workout routine.

Cardio strengthens muscles that you cannot see, such as your heart and your lungs.  These two muscles are as vital to your health as your pectorals and biceps.  An important thing to keep in mind is to know what your maximum heart rate is and push it to 60-85% of this number.  A quick way to calculate MHR = 220-Age, so mine would be 220-31=189, this means that for my cardio workout to be most effective I want it to be between 60-85% of 189.  This is essentially the heart rate at which your body will burn body fat in the most efficient manner.  Below is a chart for a better understanding:

Low Intensity - 60-65% MHR High Intensity - 80-85% MHR
Total Calories expended per min.4.866.86
Fat Calories expended per min.2.432.7
Total Calories expended in 30 min.146206
Total Fat calories expended in 30 min.7382
Percentage of fat calories burned50%39.85%

From The 24/5 Complete Personal Training Manual, 24 Hour Fitness, 2000

Another important aspect of cardio is time.  It's all about endurance when doing cardiovascular exercises if you expect to see results from it.  They should be a minimum of 30 minutes long, and I tend to push my clients to go for at least 60.  At first it sounds like alot, but when you're on the machine and you feel like you can't run/elliptical/bike anymore, then drop the speed or the resistance on the machine, go for as long as you can and drop it again.  Just make sure that you push for extended distance and time.

Whether it's the bike, a run or even the rowing machine, I always recommend to my clients to push it for 60 minutes for the best results.

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician. Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor. Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts

Sunday, February 6, 2011

What Not To Do: Fitness Tip of the Week

Well this isn't a true fitness tip, but it's funny nonetheless.  Tennis game anyone?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Weight Loss Challenge: World Health Club

The World Health Club is having a Winter weight loss challenge.  There's nothing like a good competition to bring out the best in a person.  If you don't want to do it alone, challenge a friend to do the same.  You'll have company while you train, somebody to push you and bonding time, all positives in my book.

If you're planning on joining or if you want to make your own weight loss challenge, I'd love to be a part of this journey with you, so don't forget that you have a trainer in your back pocket.  If you have any questions or need advice, all you have to do is ask!

Here are the details:  More details are on the World Health Club website

First, contestants will meet with a representative of World Health (WH) to be weighed, have their girth measured, and a front and side picture taken.
  1. The above information and all contact information of the contestant will be recorded on an entry form and signed off by the WH representative and the contestant.
  2. The WH representative will email the contestant their initial pictures.
  3. The contestant will then visit the Virgin radio website and complete the registration process before 12:00am (MST) on February 1st 2011.
  4. Each contestant will have 12 weeks (plus or minus one day) from the original start date to demonstrate results. For example, a start date of January 10th gives an end date of April 5th, whereas a start date of January 31st gives an end date of April 26th.
  5. Contestants will meet again with a representative of WH at 12 weeks (plus or minus one day) from the original start date to be weighed, have their girth measured, and a front and side picture taken.
  6. The above information and all contact information of the contestant will be recorded on a results submission form and be signed off by the representative and the contestant.
  7. The WH representative will email the contestant their final pictures.
  8. The contestant will then visit the Virgin radio website and complete results submission. Deadline for submitting results will be 11:59pm (MST) on April 30th 2011.
The Prizes
There is one (1) grand prize to be won and it consists of:
  1. $10,000 CASH
  2. A one (1) year membership to World Health
  3. One (1) year of free pitas from Extreme Pita
  4. A one (1) year meal management program from Simply for Life
There is one (1) second place prize to be won and it consists of:
  1. A one (1) year membership to World Health
  2. Six (6) months of free pitas from Extreme Pita
  3. A six (6) month Nutrition Consulting Program from Simply for Life
There is one (1) third place prize to be won and it consists of:
  1. A six (6) month membership to World Health
  2. A $100 gift certificate from Extreme Pita
  3. A three (3) month Nutrition Consulting Program from Simply for Life
There are seven (7) fourth place prizes to be won and it consists of:
  1. A three (3) month membership to World Health
  2. A $50 gift certificate from Extreme Pita
  3. Six (6) one on one Nutrition Consultations and gift basket Simply for Life

This is a great way to kickstart your journey towards a new you.  You have nothing to lose but those inches and pounds that are unwanted anyways.  It's a win-win situation, you get into better shape and have a chance to win some money doing it. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Gym Characters: From Arnold Schwarznegger to Paris Hilton

I've been going to different gyms throughout my career, yet I've always noticed the same types of characters that frequent the place. Some make you laugh some make you cringe, here's my attempt at stereotyping these interesting characters:

The Steroid Monkey: This guy is huge, a behemoth with shoulder caps the size of your head. He carries around a milk jug full of water, but his strength doesn't match his physique. He spends 40% of the time at the urinal, 40% mingling with the trainers and 20% working out.

Miss Beautiful: She's single, beautiful and ready to mingle. This girl has several memberships at different gyms because she's already in great shape and is just there to flirt with the boys. All eyes are on her when she's there and she flaunts it flawlessly.

The Strong Man: He's big, brawny and bear-like. He could pop off your head if he squeezed you hard enough and consumes 5000 calories a day to support his physique. You'll hear his screams and grunts from across the gym and you'll never hog his machine because he would hurt you.

Teenyboppers: They come and go as a flock and are there to outdo one another. Trying to learn the ropes of training but they're egos always get in the way. They use more weight then they can handle, don't understand proper form and nearly kill themselves trying and have the scars to prove it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Not Do: Fitness Tip of the Week

This has happened to me before, but I don't think it was from a machine.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011

Healthy Tips: New Years Resolutions

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday filled with friends family and wonderful food.  Now that 2011 has arrived most of you have probably made a few resolutions and I bet quite a few of them are related to health and weight loss.  Hopefully I've inspired you reach your health and fitness goals and here's my top ten tips to help you stick to your healthy resolution:

  1. Food Diary - keep track of things that you're eating just to give you an idea of how many actual calories you are consuming daily
  2. Exercise Diary - similar to a food diary, it keeps track of your training regimine to make sure you're constanly making progress with your training.  Whether it's running for an extra five minutes each day or lifting five more pounds every week.
  3. Portion Control - focus on portions no bigger then a deck of standard playing cards
  4. Sleep - make sure to get a good's night rest every night, it's recommended adults sleep for at least 8 hours a night
  5. Water - drink lots of H20, the recommended daily intake is 8-10 glasses a day, so start guzzling
  6. Vices - try to keep your vices to once a week.  We all have them, but let's try to hold off on the sweets, alcohol and junk food until the weekend.
  7. Remind yourself - most of us spend most of our time at our jobs, so it's important that even during busy working days, we stay on track with our goals.  Keep a reminder that's always visible such as a poster, picture or inspiration at your workspace
  8. Support network - surround yourself with those who have similar goals as yourself.  There really is power in numbers and this support group can help motivate and push you towards your goal
  9. Schedule - stick to a  regular training schedule that is flexible and challenging
  10. Smile - try to keep on smiling as it naturally improves your mood, and if you're in a better mood, you're more likely going to eat the right thing or force yourself to do some exercise

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bootcamp Workout Routine

Here's a free workout to test yourmsucular endurance, try to perform all of these exercises without stopping you should be soaked in sweat when you're done your first set.

25 Pushups

30 walking lunges with bicep curl

25 front and shoulder raises

30 walking lunges with bicep curl

25 Situps

30 walking lunges with hammer curl

25 Back flys

30 walking lunges with hammer curl

25 Deadlifts

30 walking lunges with shoulder press

25 Dips

30 walking lunges with shoulder press

No stopping between exercises.  Perform this entire set 3 times

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor.  Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Training Tips: Negatives Workout to Build Strength and Muscle

Your muscles are used to pushing and pulling your body and weights in the same direction.  Reverse the direction and your muscles will react to it positively with negatives training.  Negatives is in essence fighting gravity during your workout.  The goal here is to fight gravity for at least 5 seconds per repetition.

For example, on the bench press: you would press up normally, but on the way down you would lower the weights while counting down from five, so by the time you reach the zero, the weight should be at the start position again.  Same with squats:  stand up with the weight and slowly lower it back to starting position by counting down from five.

Here's a workout to try if you're looking for a challenge.

Squats - squat up, count down from five while lowering body back to start position

Bench Press - press up, count down from five while lowering weight back to start position

Lat Pulldowns - pull down, count down from five while lowering weight back to start position

Bicep Curls - curl up, count down from five while lowering weight back to starting position

Tricep Extensions - press up, count down to five while lowering weights down to your forehead

Shoulder Press - press up, count down from five while lowering weights back down to starting position

Here's a negative training workout you can try:
Squats - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Bench Press - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Lat Pulldowns - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Bicep Curls - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Tricep Extension - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Shoulder Press - 10 repetitions
30 second rest

Repeat this entire set 3 times.

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor.  Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mike Miles Introduction Kickboxing Training

So again, I was tempted by those daily deal sites with a kickboxing deal where I get 10 classes for $20.  I couldn't turn such a great deal down, so out came the credit card and I received the voucher via email.  Being a huge MMA fan myself, I find myself wanting to attempt to train like these fighters do, man was I in for a shock.

The studio has a great setup, 7000 square feet with lockers, showers, weight room, kickboxing ring and a huge mat area.  We started out with a warmup, which is similar to what I put my bootcamp classes through, however, he made us go non-stop for about 10 minutes straight before we could take a break.  Having worked out my legs the day before, it should have been a sign for me to stay home, but I forged ahead.  As a result, I almost collapsed from the excessive jumping he made us do because my calves were so sore and tight, but I managed to survive the warmup.

As a beginner, he showed us the jab, cross and knees, as well as the proper kickboxing stance.  Apparently, we don't get to kick and punch each other until we've attended five classes.  That was what I was looking forward to, but I guess it makes sense so that I don't end up breaking my foot on somebody's leg.  I also learned that I'm not as coordinated as I thought with my limbs, that's something I'm going to have to work on.

Overall, it was a great cardio workout.  If you're looking to add some variety to your training, I'd definitely recommend it.

They can be found at