Thursday, April 7, 2011

Workout Tips: Ab Roller Product Review For a Flat Stomach

Everybody wants a flat stomach, it's probably the most sought after body part that people want to improve on.  Now I've told people this before that you can't target train a specific area, you'll have to shed the fat before you can see the muscles.  However, after burning the fat off, one of the most effective training tools that I've used for my abdominals is the Ab Roller.

It's a simple contraction that consists of a wheel with two handles on both sides.  The reason why I like this gadget so much is because if engages your entire abdominal plane when you use it.  You essentially force yourself to use your core to hold your body weight. 

You should feel the results of this the next day and if you don't, then you're probably not doing it correctly.  Here's a video of the proper form when using one of these bad boys.

For those that are beginners with this contraption, you don't have to go all the way down, just go down until you feel tension on your abs and come back up, otherwise you could end up kissing the floor.

The beauty of this thing is that it's dirt cheap and you could probably build one yourself if you were handy enough. You can pick one up from Wal-mart for $20 and I assure you that it will be the best $20 that you've ever spent on a piece of fitness equipment. Plus, it's portable so you can bring it anywhere. Or if you don't feel like battling the crowds at Wal-mart, you can also try Amazon.

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