Monday, April 11, 2011

Healthy Tips: Controlling Food Cravings

We all have cravings for things, whether it's something physical, emotional and especially food.  Satisfying your cravings isn't a bad thing, afterall we have to live and enjoy life.  However, sometimes we go overboard with our cravings and end up adding inches where we wish we didn't.  Here are some tips on keeping those cravings under control.

Set some rules - a key to controlling your cravings is exercising discipline, set some ground rules for yourself when it comes to your treats.  Perhaps you can limit yourself to one treat a day or only allow yourself to have that treat when you've accomplished something in return.  You should try to avoid giving yourself free treats just because you feel like it, this way you can attempt to condition your brain to only reward yourself intermittently.

Portion control - the serving size is probably the most important part of managing your cravings.  You should be eating small amounts, just enough to satisfy that sweet tooth or that savoury tongue.  For example, don't pull out the entire bag of salt and vinegar chips, instead put a few pieces on a plate and leave the bag in the pantry.  This way you're not unconsciously digging your hands into the bag every few minutes.  And when you're out, you get no more.  Again, you'll need to be disciplined.

Eat Better - there are some foods out there that are natural appetite suppressants, so because you won't be hungry, you most likely won't be craving anything.  I tend to have some tea or coffee if I'm trying to shed a few pounds because they can shrink my appetite.  Here's a good article on more natural appetite suppressants.

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