Monday, April 18, 2011

Healthy Tips: Food Combining Diet

I was talking to a coworker who's attempting to lose a bunch of weight and I gave him some advice on limiting the simple carbs in his diet and watching his portion control.  He's been using my tips and has lost 13 pounds in two weeks.  He also mentioned that along with my advice he's using a strategy called food combining.

I was perplexed by this concept until he explained it to me, and it's quite simple.  It's along the same lines as minimizing portions and watching the simple carbs in your diet.

When he eats, he now watches how he combines his food.  He won't eat starches with his meats, instead he'll only eat vegetables with his meats.  If he eats starches, he won't combine them with anything and eat the simple starch alone. 

This got me thinking, now I'm no scientist, but in my twisted mind, it makes perfect sense.  When one chooses to combine the wrong foods, you are actually creating an environment where your body is more likely to store food as fat.

For example, if you were to combine starches with meat, since meat takes longer to digest in your stomach, the starches will then sit in your stomach longer as it's working on the meat.  The longer it sits there, the more likely your body will break it down and store it as fat.  Whereas, if you just consume the starches on it's own, your body breaks down these simple starches very quickly and attempts to use them as energy first before storing them.

I think it's a great way to evaluate your eating, or maybe it's just my inner mad scientist trying to get out?

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