Monday, January 10, 2011

Healthy Tips: New Years Resolutions

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday filled with friends family and wonderful food.  Now that 2011 has arrived most of you have probably made a few resolutions and I bet quite a few of them are related to health and weight loss.  Hopefully I've inspired you reach your health and fitness goals and here's my top ten tips to help you stick to your healthy resolution:

  1. Food Diary - keep track of things that you're eating just to give you an idea of how many actual calories you are consuming daily
  2. Exercise Diary - similar to a food diary, it keeps track of your training regimine to make sure you're constanly making progress with your training.  Whether it's running for an extra five minutes each day or lifting five more pounds every week.
  3. Portion Control - focus on portions no bigger then a deck of standard playing cards
  4. Sleep - make sure to get a good's night rest every night, it's recommended adults sleep for at least 8 hours a night
  5. Water - drink lots of H20, the recommended daily intake is 8-10 glasses a day, so start guzzling
  6. Vices - try to keep your vices to once a week.  We all have them, but let's try to hold off on the sweets, alcohol and junk food until the weekend.
  7. Remind yourself - most of us spend most of our time at our jobs, so it's important that even during busy working days, we stay on track with our goals.  Keep a reminder that's always visible such as a poster, picture or inspiration at your workspace
  8. Support network - surround yourself with those who have similar goals as yourself.  There really is power in numbers and this support group can help motivate and push you towards your goal
  9. Schedule - stick to a  regular training schedule that is flexible and challenging
  10. Smile - try to keep on smiling as it naturally improves your mood, and if you're in a better mood, you're more likely going to eat the right thing or force yourself to do some exercise

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