Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Ever Happened to the WWF?

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I used to be the biggest fan of the WWF, now known as the WWE.  I no longer watch it, but I wonder if it's because I've grown up or because the product leaves a bland taste in my mouth.  It's probably the latter, the show just isn't the same.  I remember going home every Monday night with my microwave popcorn in hand waiting for Raw to come on the tube.  It was the perfect man's show filled with comedy, drama and athletics.  Now you can't force me to sit through a full episode and I think these are the reasons why:

Good Versus Evil:  When I was growing up, the show contained a mix of good and bad characters.  The good ones like Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Jake "The Snake" Roberts represented wholesome and good values.  Whereas the bad guys were usually creeps and freaks, like the original Undertaker (who became a biker), or Papa Shango - the voodoo priest, and Golddust.  The writers gave us characters which we could easily love and hate.  Nowadays, there's no facepaint or elaborate costumes, just a bunch of guys in tights and you can't tell the difference between hero and heel.

Over Saturation:  Back in the day, they had a weekly show where big names fought no-names, like Barry Horowitz, and if we were lucky, there was a Saturday Night Main Event that showcased the big names against each other.  Since they went public they have spun off two or three different shows.  Which makes it hard to keep up with the plethora of characters, let alone the story lines.

Women Wrestlers:  I love the fact that they're integrating women into the show, but let's give them a different role outside of the wrestling.  There were some great female wrestlers like Luna Vachon and Lita, but they weren't enough to build a decent sized bench with. Alot of divas are just not strong or athletic enough to perform supermoves on their opponents and it ends up looking more fake then it already is.

Hopefully they can bring the show back to where it once was: Hulk Hogan VS Andre The Giant, Big Boss Man VS The Mountie, Ultimate Warrior VS Papa Shango, now those matches were entertaining!

Images were borrowed from

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