Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Workout Routine: Best Way to Tone the Arms

I know alot of women focus on toning their arms for their big day as that's an area that is visible during pictures and whatnot.  Here's a workout that can help you get those sculpted and toned arms and shoulders you've been dreaming of.  The key to this workout is the high repetitions, feel those muscles burn!  We'll use a few simple exercises that you can perform with a pair of weights, almost anywhere.

Alternating Bicep curls

Alternating Shoulder presses

Alternating Tricep extensions

Alternating Bicep Curls - 1 set of 50
Alternating Shoulder Presses - 1 set of 50
Alternating Tricep Extensions - 1 set of 50
No rest in between sets

Rest for 90 seconds after you've completed the full set of 3 exercises and repeat 4 times in total

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor.  Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts

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