Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Healthy Tips: Breaking Down the Numbers for a Healthy Diet

I have clients ask me often what is the right amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats to eat throughout the day.  When I was a kid, I thought that based on their recommendations, I would be spending half my life just eating!  That was until I learned what  portion size was, and then it became easy to follow. 

I personally don't like to make it a science as I believe that as long as you have a balanced, healthy diet, you should be fine.  However, some of us are number's people, so here's a breakdown of health Canada's recommmended daily intake:

The total portions is about 20 in total throughout the day.  If you break that down over three meals, that's about seven portions each and to me that is a nice balanced meal.  If you snack throughout the day, don't forget to include these foods in your count, which will essentially decrease your servings at meal times.

Here's a sample of what you could have to meet these daily requirements:

Breakfast:  Yogurt (2 serving) with bran buds (1 serving) and a banana (2 servings)
10am Snack:   Apple (2 servings)
Lunch:  Roast Beef (2 serving) sandwich on whole grain bread (4 servings) with lettuce/peppers/tomato slice (1 serving)
Afternoon Snack:  Snap peas (1 serving)
Dinner:  Grilled chicken breast (2 servings) with wild rice (2 servings) and grilled asparagus (2 servings)

This plan isn't anything extravagant, but it's balanced and healthy.

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