Friday, November 19, 2010

Live Long and Well by Investing in Yourself

I’ve met some people who eat like crap and refuse to do any physical activity.  Now they are educated and intelligent people that have the means for a healthy lifestyle, but they choose not to.  What I don’t understand is that they will invest money into stocks, funds or other investments, however they refuse to invest any money into their health. 

Shouldn’t health be a higher priority?  If you’re always confined to a hospital bed or a dialysis machine, how can you expect to enjoy life?  Without health, everything is inhibited; a simple task as going to the store to get milk can be difficult, let alone travelling on a plane.

Let’s not think of eating properly and exercising as a chore, instead look at it as investing in you.  You are building your portfolio through diversification and investing in the best life prolonging assets for your future.  Like your RRSPs, these investments are meant to ensure you have a healthy path well into retirement. 

After all, if you were dead, you wouldn’t be around to spend your fortunes anyways.

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