Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Healthy Tips: Salt Intake and Portion Control

Those little specks of flavour enhancement may seem harmless, but be wary, salt can kill you.  As consumers, we consume much more then we are supposed to and it can compound health problems behind the scenes.  It can lead to high blood pressure, heart and kidney disease to name a few. 

Health Canada recommends 1000-1500mg per person per day of salt consumption, but alot of us unknowingly go over this limit.   Next time you pick up a packaged product, check how much sodium it contains.  A simple microwave dinner can contain more then the recommended intake in just one serving.

Here's some tips on how to manage your salt intake:

Avoid Eating Out - You have no idea how much salt they are putting into the food and there is a reason why some thing's tend to taste so darn good.

Avoid Process Foods - These are probably the worst culprits, check the salt content on the back the next time you buy something.  You'll be shocked at how much salt they put in these goods.

Taste Before Salting - Some people get into the habit of salting before tasting their food.  Reverse the habit and taste your food first, then ask yourself if it actually needs salt

Don't Add Salt - Don't add it to your cooking and instead try other methods for flavouring such as cooking with garlic, onions and aromatic herbs.

So the next time you're at the grocery store, check the sodium content and make the healthier choice for you and your loved ones.

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