Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gifts for the Healthy Lifestyle

Christmas is only two weeks away, and we all have that one person that is impossible to shop for.  Well if you have a fitness nut in your life, I know plenty of gifts that they would enjoy.  Not all would want the same thing as we come in different categories, but here's a list of items you can get them depending on what they like:

The Runner:  these are the people who will run in any type of weather and terrain and enjoy it.  If you haven't already, perhaps you can look into a pedometer that tracks their distance or even a gift certificate for a good pair of running shoes.  They go through shoes faster then the women in my life.

The Athlete:  these are the sports buffs in your life, they are usually part of a recreational or amateur sports league of some sort.  They're playing a sport at least twice a week and tend to have a competitive edge within.  When they're not playing a sport, they're probably watching one.  Try getting them some nice dry fit clothes, like the new Nike Live Strong brand, which has become quite popular recently.

Busy Bee:  For that person that's always on the go and has no time to go to the gym, but prefers home workout DVD's instead.  They've went through every fad from Tai-Bo to Buns of Steel, there's no program they won't try.  Try putting them on a intense program like P90X or Insanity

The Gym Rat:  They spend a few hours at the gym each week usually lifting weights.  They love protein and eat like a pig.  Try getting them some home exercise equipment, such as the TRX training system or Bowflex adjustable dumbbells, so they can get their workout in at home.


Hopefully this gives you some ideas on what to get the fitness nut in your life.  Or if they aren't a fitness nut yet, these gifts will turn them into one. 

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