Friday, December 10, 2010

Health Tips: Free Activities to Stay Healthy

I've found that a major excuse to not being healthy relates to money, but I think that's just another excuse people use to not have to do something physical.  There are plenty of things that you can do that cost you nothing and can keep your body weight normal and your waistline slim. 

Here's a list of activities that you can do and won't hurt your pocket book:

Walk/Run - You pay taxes to have those sidewalks and street lights maintained.  Perhaps it's time you made use of them, I bet there are areas of your community that you have never even seen.  Put on a pair of comfortable shoes and go for a run/walk after dinner.

Play - if you've got children, take them to the park and play a game of tag with them, push them on the swing or take them down the slides.  Not only do you get some family bonding time, but you get an easy workout at the same time.

Hiking - Being in Calgary, we take for granted the beatiful hikes that are within our own city limits.  There's Nose Hill, Fish Creek and many other parks where you can go for a hike.  The best thing about it is the view at the top, don't forget to take your camera to capture your achievements.

So get off that couch and do something, it's not about the money anymore because these activities don't cost you anything.  The only thing that is holding you back is YOU!

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