Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Training Tips: Strength Building Workout

If you're looking to build more strength from your workouts, sometimes you'll have to pick up some heavier weights.  This workout is valid for both males and females, and ladies don't worry about bulking up, the only way you'll bulk up is if you eat lots of protein in your diet, but you will get super strong with this workout.

There is something called a one repetition maximum, this is essentially the maximum amount of weight you can push, pull or press.  The goal of this workout is to use 75% of your maximum and move the weight 4 times with 6 repetitions, ending up with 24 repetitions in total and a 60 second rest in between each set.

Bench Press

Leg Press

Shoulder Press

Bicep Curls

Tricep Extensions

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician. Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor. Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts

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