Monday, February 14, 2011

Calgary Gym Reviews: Village Square Leisure Centre

After graduating from university and being in mountains of debt.  I wasn't yet able to afford the luxuries of training at a fancy gym, so I had to settle for something else.  As a child this place was a magical playground with it's awesome wavepool and slides, but the gym, was nothing to write home about.  This brings me to my next gym, in the heart of the NE, it's the Village Square Leisure Centre.

Honestly there isn't much good I can say about this gym other then the fact that it was close to home.  The gym itself is quite small and had a funny smell to it.  The equipment was in okay shape, but was abused by users who had no idea how to use the stuff.  Imagine a person yanking on a cable with all their might, and it was only a matter of time before he pulled a muscle he didn't know he had. 

The patrons were another story, half of them walked in from the street and trained in their street clothes which consisted of jeans and steel-toed boots, maybe they were afraid they'd drop the weight on their toes?  The other half were barely past puberty, trickling in from the high school across the street.  The best part was the pools of sweat left on the gym benches after use, at some points I thought somebody poured water on it, there was so much.  I probably stayed here for about a year, but the minute I heard that a Gold's Gym was opening up across the street from my house, I couldn't wait to leave this hell hole of a fitness centre. 

I had to make due since it was what was affordable at the time, but would I ever go back?  Probably not.
Hopefully the city put some money to renovate the facility, but I haven't been back to check.


  1. As per my view sometimes keeping to our health and fitness plan is difficult and if we have lost the enthusiasm and drive to work out, then we need to find a way to regain our drive. Sometimes the facility in which we are working out is not as good as we originally thought. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful post regarding fitness.
    Fitness Training Melbourne
