Thursday, February 24, 2011

Healthy Fast Food Challenge: Day 3 - Tim Hortons

I've decided to challenge myself to have fast food for dinner every night, however, unlike Super Size Me, I'm going to attempt to find healthier fast food instead of the artery clogging kind.

After running bootcamp class I decided I'd try one of Canada's favourites, Tim Hortons, aka Timmy Ho's.  Although this place is known for it's coffee and donuts, they also offer sandwiches and soups.  That's what I chose to eat today.  Soup!

I actually ordered three servings:  Chicken Noodle, Barley with Portabello Mushrooms and Tomato Medley.  Like Goldilocks trying the three bear's soups, I delved into my liquid dinner.  The tomato medley was overly sour, the barley and portabello tasted like dirty socks, but the chicken noodle was juuuuust right!  

Again I checked the nutritional information on their website and low and behold, low in calories, high in salt.  I think this is a trend at fast food joints, so they are "healthy" but high in salt, so is that really healthy? 

There isn't much to the soups and I really didn't feel satisfied, so I'll leave it at that and go rummage through my fridge for something with more substance

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