Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Healthy Fast Food Challenge: Day 2 - Wendy's

I'm on day two of my fast food challenge where I'm attempting to find healthy alternatives at different fast food joints around the city and share my findings at the end of the week. 

I chose to go to Wendy's today after my workout and have been thinking all day about what I'm going to eat.  I'm trying to find items other then salads as those are the obvious choices when somebody thinks about healthy food. 

Today, I chose to have a large chili with a side salad, as I always try to have some veggies at each meal.  I've always thought that the chili was a healthy alternative, but after looking up the nutrition facts I was appalled by the amount of salt that goes into a serving.  I knew that processed foods contained lots of salt, but had no idea that warm chili goodness was victim of the same fate.

The protein content and caloric content of the chili were pretty good, but the salt was way too much.  So if your doctor has told you to avoid salts, I wouldn't have the chili, but have a salad instead.  It's true that we learn something new every day, and I'll never look at their chili the same again.

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