Thursday, February 3, 2011

Calgary Gym Reviews: Home Gyms

Having lived in Calgary my entire life, I've been around.....the gym world that is.  I've probably trained at almost all the facilities in the city's north-end from the Village Square Leisure Centre to the University of Calgary's gym.  They all have their advantages and drawbacks, so I thought I'd put together some posts in case some of you are looking for a gym to train at.  I initially wanted to just do one post on all of them, but that would be one super long article.  Instead of boring you, I decided to break them up and review a different gym each week.  They will be in chronological order from when I first started training, so what best place to start then my parent's basement. 

The transformer of universal machines

AKA:  The Home Gym

Most of us have more house then we can live in, and as a result, end up putting in some gym equipment to fill the void.  I had a small one, one York universal machine, a stepper and some free weights (the plastic ones filled with cement that slowly became lighter and lighter, not because I was getting stronger, but because the cement was slowly breaking down into powder).  It was nothing special but it did the job.

The Positives:
It was a great way for me to start training as I had a chance to learn the ropes, so to speak.  I was young, scrawny and too intimidated to go to a gym, so for me it was a good way to "practice" until I was ready for the big leagues.  It allowed me to try out different exercises without making a fool of myself in the privacy of my own home.  I didn't have to deal with other people's sweat, could train at my own pace and had plenty of food and fluids at my disposal.  Personally, I think it's a great first step for those who are just starting out and trying to get into shape.  Or for those with busy schedules and young kids because you can squeeze in a workout whenever time permits. 

The Negatives:
My parent's lived in a duplex (i.e. half a house), so it was small.  I had all my equipment cramped in a corner and I wasted alot of time adjusting the universal machine and attaching my weights instead of working out.  Also, being residential equipment, the stuff I had wasn't as sturdy as some commercial gear.  I learned first hand when one of those plastic clips slowly slid off and the cement disc landed on my toe.  Unfortunately, my strength and knowledge grew inversely to the use of the weights, I eventually grew bored with my starter set of equipment and was no longer getting a workout that I desired. 

Plastic clips and cement weights....the bane of my training

So all in all, I think home gyms have their purpose, they allow you the freedom and flexibility to exercise at your own convenience.  Or for those young kids too afraid to go to the gyms, they can be a a great starting point.  However, eventually they will be outgrown and boring like a favourite toy.  Besides, sometimes it just feels better to get out of your house and get some fresh air or be at a gym with other people.

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