Thursday, February 17, 2011

Healthy Tips: Seattle WA, the Gem of Washington

I had the fortune of going to Seattle for the weekend, I was overdue for a vacation.  I've never been there, so I really didn't know what to expect.  It was such a pleasant surprise after arriving, it has the beauty of Vancouver with the ocean in plain view, without the hustle and bustle.  The weather was moderate, though it did rain twice, one night I felt like I was caught in a typhoon!

Other then that it's a great place to visit.  I had a chance to visit the aquarium and their pike place market.  Imagine the Lilac festival and Farmer's market combined, but with fresh food and more unique vendors.  It's no wonder this city was where Starbucks was born, the atmosphere was extremely mellow and the people quite friendly. 

Unfortunately the hotel's gym was under renovations, so I had to come up with a way to not put on ten pounds over a weekend.  So I chose to focus on what I was eating instead and walk around alot.  I chose not to rent a car and instead walked all through downtown, not only was I burning calories, but I think it's the best way to explore a new city.  As for eating, obviously I had to have the seafood.  It was amazing, so fresh and delicious.  I avoided the processed carbs and just focused on the proteins. 

Clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl - no I didn't eat the bowl

Raw oysters - packed with fatty acids, protein, vitamins and minerals

Even on vacation, you can make healthy decisions, there are no excuses because you always have healthy options.  I'd definitely recommending checking out Seattle, next time I'll try the summer and hope to see some killer whales.

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