Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Healthy Tips: Self Efficacy and Achieving Your Fitness Goals

Have you ever heard the cliche "Ask and you shall receive"?  It relates to putting what you want out there and asking the universe for it.  This concept plays a huge role in reaching your fitness goals, it's not only about the training, but about the mindset you have while training as well.

If you don't think you will achieve something, then you've already set yourself up for failure because you've planted the seed that you can't do it, so you won't.  Flip this thinking around and tell yourself that you will achieve all that you desire and it will happen.  It seems like an odd concept, but the only thing that is stopping you from achieving your goals is you.  Nobody ever said it would be easy and everything takes hard work, but it's your mind that will get you over that hump.

Self-efficacy is a term used in psychology, roughly corresponding to a person's belief in their own competence.  How much do you believe in yourself?

1 comment:

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