Monday, March 7, 2011

Healthy Living: Conquering the Insecurities

I had a conversation with a friend of mine about some stress in his life and it brought us onto the topic of insecurities.  We all have them and they stay with us for most of our lives and he made me realize how powerful and crippling they can be sometimes.  Unfortunately, they can leave you feeling battered and defeated, but humans are natural survivors and it's important to not allow something so miniscule to keep us down.

The insecurities usually start from an event from our childhoods that leads to particular behaviours in our adult lives.  Many fall victim to them and let them control their thoughts and actions.  However, many don't realize that you wield the complete power to change.  Now the change won't happen in a day, as it takes time, but if you continue to address them, your behaviours will eventually change. 

Here's some steps that I've learned and has helped me to not allow the insecurities to slow me down in life:
Awareness - be conscious of your negative reactions to things and question why you act in this way
Flip Your Thoughts - try to come up with a positive spin on things instead of a negative one
Practice Makes Perfect - it takes time to change, but the more you practice at something the better you will get at it.  By constantly trying this technique you can eventually reprogram your brains reactions to things

If you want to change, then make the conscious effort to change, it all starts with you.  You can live a fulfilling and happy life if you want it.

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