Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Healthy New Year

I'm going to be taking a little break from the blogging world to spend some time enjoying the holiday cheer with family and friends.  Wishing all my readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I will return in 2011 with more healthy fitness and nutrition tips and look forward to helping you meet your healthy goals.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Healthy Recipes: Multi-Mushroom Quinoa

I can't get enough of this quinoa stuff.  See my super food article to understand why.

Ingredients:1 cup mushrooms (portabello, shitake, white, inochi)
1 cup quinoa
2.5 cups chicken broth
Instructions: Cube mushrooms
Pour into pot with some oil and stir fry until mushrooms are soft
Poor quinoa into pot with 2 cups of chicken broth
Bring to a boil for 2 minutes, then turn to low and let simmer for 10-15 minutes
Mix quinoa and mushroom mixture together and serve

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Indoor Driving Range Golf Discount

$20 for Five Buckets of Golf Balls To Be Used on the Indoor Driving Range at Riverside Golf Centre ($50 Value)

Was the last course you visited an ‘elephant burial ground’? Have you become a ‘weekend warrior’? Have you understood any of this? Brush up on your golf lingo while you ‘let the big dog eat’ and get on par with today’s great deal: $20 for Five Buckets of Golf Balls To Be Used on the Indoor Driving Range at Riverside Golf Centre ($50 Value)

There’s no need to worry about the weather anymore with Calgary’s unique indoor golf facility, Riverside Golf Centre. Their state of the art golf simulators with 3D hardware and software create an incredibly lifelike indoor golfing experience. Enjoy the largest indoor short game in Calgary, chipping area, sand trap, 13-stall driving range, PGA golf lessons and pro shop.

Riverside Golf Centre is open at 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily from October 1st to April 30th during the winter season and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily from May 1st to September 30th during their summer season. Drop in for a quick swing today.

Riverside Golf Centre
110 Point McKay Crescent NW
Calgary, Alberta T3B 5B4

Healthy Tips: Keeping a Food Diary

Some people are blessed with "skinny" genes, but the majority are not.  We actually have to put some effort into our lifestyle in order to keep the bulging to a minimum.  A neat way to keep track of what you're eating is to use a food diary.  All you need is a notebook of some sort where you record what you've eaten throughout the day.

It's a good way to keep track of where those unknown calories are coming from, but you have to be honest and record everything you consume, from that one piece of chocolate to the cups of water you've drank.  Plus, it can act as a deterrant to snacking because you would rather not eat it over the chore of recording it in your diary, thus minimizing the bad snacking throughout the day.  At the end of the week, review that you've consumed and try to record the calories as well.  Here's a good calorie counting website: .  You'll be surprised at how much excess we consume without even knowing it. 

This simple task of using a food diary has helped many of my clients realize what they're putting into their mouths and confront the calories head on.  Give it a try, it's just another little thing you can do to get yourself into the best shape of your life.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Workout Routine: Complete Training for Strong Legs

Here's a free workout that's meant to get your leg muscles strong and lean.  Alot of people forget about your legs, but they are an important part of building a lean frame


Straight Leg Dead Lifts

Leg Curls

Leg Extensions

Calf Raises

Workout Program:
Squats - 15 reps
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 20 reps
Leg Extensions - 15 reps
Leg Curls - 15 reps
Calf Raises - 30 reps
Repeat this set 3 times with a 30 second rest between reps and a 60 second rest between sets.
Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor.  Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cheap Massage Deal: $40 for a 1 Hour RMT Therapeutic Massage with Why Knot ($80 Value)

Why Knot Therapeutic Massage has been operating in Calgary, Alberta for nearly a decade. Offering Swedish, deep tissue, and a variety of other massages in a relaxing atmosphere, Why Knot exists only for your comfort and well being. Every session is dedicated to locating the source of your discomfort or stress areas and reversing the effects through the training of our highly experienced staff. Why Knot has always focused its practice and energy on offering clients the opportunity to realize their full rejuvenation potential through massage.Whether its ongoing health or working from the source of your pain, we want you to leave feeling relaxed, peaceful, and optimistic.
Other services at Why Knot include:
  • Swedish Massage
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Sports Massage
  • Myofacial Mobilization and Release
  • Relaxation Massage
  • Treatment Massage
  • Trigger Point Therapy and Release
  • Pregnancy Massage

Why Knot! 201-121A 14th Suite NW, Calgary, Alberta

Healthy Tips: Exercise In Winter

When the weather outside is frightful, your activities can still be delightful.  If you're reluctant to drive to the gym to get some physical activity there are still things you can do during our blissful winters to get your daily dose of exercise. 

Shovel the snow:  this is an excellent way to burn some calories since you're working multiple muscle groups with each motion.  Just make sure you watch your form by using your knees and arms instead of your lower back.  They also sell ergonomic shovels now, which really helps prevent injuries.

Make a snowman:  make yourself feel like a kid again and bring Frosty back to life.  Packed snow can get quite heavy and the constant squatting will get your blood flowing

Toboganning/Sledding:  climbing up that hill is great cardio and you get rewarded with a fun slide back down

Ice Skating:  most communities have local outdoor rinks that you can skate at, to make it more of a challenge grab a puck and hockey stick and have yourselves a game of shinny

There are so many activities you can do even in the colder weather, so stop hibernating and get out there.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Recipes for Moist Chicken Breast

Okay, so the title fooled you, this isn't actually a recipe post since I posted one yesterday.  But everyone knows that chicken breast can be such a dry piece of meat sometimes.  I eat alot of it and it's hard to cook it so that it stays moist unless it's swimming in a sauce.  So here's what I do to make my protein packed poultry more bearable:

Vegetables:  Add some veggies to it like a braised tomato or some asparagus, anything that will add some moisture to your mouth.  I didn't need my parents to force me to eat my veggies, I ate them so I wouldn't gag from the dryness of the chicken breast they were serving me.

Pickles:  Try serving it with something sour, foods like pickles tend to get you salivating, and helps the chicken breast go down that much easier.

Stuff it:  You could always stuff the chicken with something like a spinach and cheese mixture or anything to add some moisture to the meat.

Don't get me wrong, chicken breast is packed with protein goodness, but sometimes it can be hard to put down.  I'd love to hear about how you keep your chicken breasts moist and cooked, without risking salmonella poisoning.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Healthy Recipes: Sirloin Steak Salad

Your favourite blend of mixed greens (I love superstores mixed green salad with arugula)
1/2 tomato
1/2 cucumber
3 button mushrooms
1/4 yellow pepper
1/8 of an onion
1 piece of steak
2 cloves of garlic
2 teaspoon Montreal steak spice
1 serving of steak

Press garlic cloves and mix with steak spice
Mix steak with this mixture and let it marinate for 1 hour
BBQ steak at 425F for 2 minutes per side (depending on how you like your steak done)
Allow steak to sit for 2 minutes, slice and serve on top of salad mixture

Cut vegetables into bite size pieces and toss with field green mix
Top with 2 teaspoons your favourite dressing (I like Renee's Asian Sesame)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Healthy Fast Food from A&W

I always eat after my workout in an attempt to give my body as much nutrients as possible to grow and heal my muscles.  I left the gym a bit later tonight, and as a result the only places open that were close to home was A&W.  Normally, I am disciplined enough to go home and have eggs or chicken breast, but today I thought I would cheat a little bit.  See my health fast food article for more details

Now even though I was at a fast food joint, I attempted to make this meal as healthy and lean as possible, so here's what I ordered:

Grilled Chicken Deluxe Sandwich - It's on a multigrain bun and it's got a big piece of seasoned grilled chicken breast in it.  The worst part was the ranch sauce, but it's necessary as the breast can get a bit dry.

Milk - I substituted 2% milk for the pop. 

Salad - Had a salad instead of the french fries, that was a tough decision because I love their fries and gravy!

Overall, it was a good meal, balanced for a fast food joint and it hit the spot nicely.  Remember, you can always eat healthy, it's all about the choices you make.  Here's a previous healthy fast food post if you want to read more.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bootcamp Workout Routine

Here's a free workout to test yourmsucular endurance, try to perform all of these exercises without stopping you should be soaked in sweat when you're done your first set.

25 Pushups

30 walking lunges with bicep curl

25 front and shoulder raises

30 walking lunges with bicep curl

25 Situps

30 walking lunges with hammer curl

25 Back flys

30 walking lunges with hammer curl

25 Deadlifts

30 walking lunges with shoulder press

25 Dips

30 walking lunges with shoulder press

No stopping between exercises.  Perform this entire set 3 times

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor.  Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Healthy Tips: Weight Loss and Aging

Have you ever said to yourself, "When I was 18, I could eat like a horse and wouldn't gain a pound".  Well you're not alone, as most of us were able to eat anything in our sight and experience zero weight gain.  However, that was usually because your body was still growing and it required all those extra nutrients to make you strong and healthy.  Times change, so here are some health tips to keep your weight gain to a minimum as your age creeps up on you.

Portion Control:  Shrink your portion sizes, you don't need to eat the same portions you did when you were 18 unless you're training for a marathon or something

Smaller meals as the day goes by:  Make breakfast your biggest meal and dinner your smallest, not only does metabolism slow down with age, but it also peaks in the morning and slows down at night.

Eat More Complex Carbohydrates:  Complex carbohydrates have more fibre, which keeps you full longer

Stop Snacking:  Snacking will unknowingly build up your calories per day and can result in weight gain

Unfortunately, times change and you should be adjusting your caloric intake with your age, if you hope to not experience major weight gain.  As you get older, your metabolism naturally will slow down, so our food consumption has to be in synch with how our bodies burn the food for fuel. 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Gifts for the Healthy Lifestyle

Christmas is only two weeks away, and we all have that one person that is impossible to shop for.  Well if you have a fitness nut in your life, I know plenty of gifts that they would enjoy.  Not all would want the same thing as we come in different categories, but here's a list of items you can get them depending on what they like:

The Runner:  these are the people who will run in any type of weather and terrain and enjoy it.  If you haven't already, perhaps you can look into a pedometer that tracks their distance or even a gift certificate for a good pair of running shoes.  They go through shoes faster then the women in my life.

The Athlete:  these are the sports buffs in your life, they are usually part of a recreational or amateur sports league of some sort.  They're playing a sport at least twice a week and tend to have a competitive edge within.  When they're not playing a sport, they're probably watching one.  Try getting them some nice dry fit clothes, like the new Nike Live Strong brand, which has become quite popular recently.

Busy Bee:  For that person that's always on the go and has no time to go to the gym, but prefers home workout DVD's instead.  They've went through every fad from Tai-Bo to Buns of Steel, there's no program they won't try.  Try putting them on a intense program like P90X or Insanity

The Gym Rat:  They spend a few hours at the gym each week usually lifting weights.  They love protein and eat like a pig.  Try getting them some home exercise equipment, such as the TRX training system or Bowflex adjustable dumbbells, so they can get their workout in at home.


Hopefully this gives you some ideas on what to get the fitness nut in your life.  Or if they aren't a fitness nut yet, these gifts will turn them into one. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Health Tips: Free Activities to Stay Healthy

I've found that a major excuse to not being healthy relates to money, but I think that's just another excuse people use to not have to do something physical.  There are plenty of things that you can do that cost you nothing and can keep your body weight normal and your waistline slim. 

Here's a list of activities that you can do and won't hurt your pocket book:

Walk/Run - You pay taxes to have those sidewalks and street lights maintained.  Perhaps it's time you made use of them, I bet there are areas of your community that you have never even seen.  Put on a pair of comfortable shoes and go for a run/walk after dinner.

Play - if you've got children, take them to the park and play a game of tag with them, push them on the swing or take them down the slides.  Not only do you get some family bonding time, but you get an easy workout at the same time.

Hiking - Being in Calgary, we take for granted the beatiful hikes that are within our own city limits.  There's Nose Hill, Fish Creek and many other parks where you can go for a hike.  The best thing about it is the view at the top, don't forget to take your camera to capture your achievements.

So get off that couch and do something, it's not about the money anymore because these activities don't cost you anything.  The only thing that is holding you back is YOU!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Awesome Massage Deal

$35 for a 1 Hour Massage or Two 30 Minute Massages at Lasting Impressions ($70 Value)

About the Merchant

Merchant website: Things that leave a lasting impression: Great works of art, classic movies, epic nature panoramas, and falling asleep on fabric that has a weird pattern. Oh and also famous speeches by presidents and looking great. Which Is Where Lasting Impressions Salon and Spa comes in!

All you have to do is walk in the door to see why Lasting Impressions is where you want to be. From Esthetic Treatments, to the Full Service Salon, Massage Therapy to Custom Designed Tattoos Lasting Impressions will cater to your every need.

Micheala is a Licensed Esthetician that Graduated From Zeneba Academy Of Esthetics Offering: Facials, Waxing, Threading, Manicure & Pedicures, Teeth Whitening, Thai Stem Massage, Thai Stem Facial, Paraffin Treatments, Body Wraps, Body Scrubs, Eye Lash & Eye Brow Tinting

Full Service Salon
Colleen is a Licensed Red Seal Journeyman Hairstylist with 28 years in the hair industry, With a Masters in Matrix Color Line, Including Color Corrections, Colleen Graduated from Alberta Beauty School in Lethbridge, AB

Massage Therapy
Krysta is a Registered Massage Therapist Graduated From Mount Royal University with the 1100 Hour Program, Listing with NHPC and is recognized as a 2200 hour Therapist, She can Issue Receipt for Company Benefits programs She Specializes in: Remedial Massage, Relaxation, Deep Tissue & Hot Stone Massage

Custom Design Tattoo Studio
Our Tattoo area is Fully Disposable, Custom Designs, Discreet, Health Board Approved (Nov 2010) Walk Ins are welcome We have 3 Artist's in the shop; Our Head Artist has been Tattooing for 4 Years, along with 2 Jr. Artists that have been tattooing for a year

Healthy Recipes: Simple Asian Pork Chops

Soy Sauce
Fish Sauce
4 small Pork Chops

Combine 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of soy sauce, 1/2 cup of fish sauce and 1 tblspoon of sugar into a mixing bowl. 
Mix until sugar is fully dissolved
Add pork chops, toss with 4 cloves of garlic and let marinate in the fridge for 2 hours
Heat up oven and broil at 450 F for 25 minutes or until properly cooked
Let it sit for 5 minutes before serving

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Healthy Tip: Calories in Alcohol

The holidays are upon us which means we get to eat, drink and be merry with our friends and loved ones. However, this is also the time that we tend to over indulge in some of our favourite things, alcohol being one of them. With all the family dinners and parties throughout Christmas season, it's hard to completely avoid consuming alcoholic beverages.  I know how good they can taste, so here are some tips on calories and alcohol that you can use at your next party.  Here's a post, if you need a reminder on caloric intake.

Red Wine (250ml) - ~170 calories
White Wine (250ml) - ~185 calories
Beer (bottle) - from 100-400 calories
1 oz Shot of hard liquor - ~60 calories
Highball - ~130 calories

Try to watch your portion control when you're drinking, the calories can add up very quickly with a liquid diet.  Also, the drink with the lowest calories would be a shot with water or soda (not tonic water, as it has similar calories to pop), so something like a vodka water with a lime wedge. 

Be disciplined about what and how much you choose to drink and you won't find yourself making "weight loss" your New Year's resolution. This is why January is a trainer's busiest time.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Training Tips: Negatives Workout to Build Strength and Muscle

Your muscles are used to pushing and pulling your body and weights in the same direction.  Reverse the direction and your muscles will react to it positively with negatives training.  Negatives is in essence fighting gravity during your workout.  The goal here is to fight gravity for at least 5 seconds per repetition.

For example, on the bench press: you would press up normally, but on the way down you would lower the weights while counting down from five, so by the time you reach the zero, the weight should be at the start position again.  Same with squats:  stand up with the weight and slowly lower it back to starting position by counting down from five.

Here's a workout to try if you're looking for a challenge.

Squats - squat up, count down from five while lowering body back to start position

Bench Press - press up, count down from five while lowering weight back to start position

Lat Pulldowns - pull down, count down from five while lowering weight back to start position

Bicep Curls - curl up, count down from five while lowering weight back to starting position

Tricep Extensions - press up, count down to five while lowering weights down to your forehead

Shoulder Press - press up, count down from five while lowering weights back down to starting position

Here's a negative training workout you can try:
Squats - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Bench Press - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Lat Pulldowns - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Bicep Curls - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Tricep Extension - 10 repetitions
30 second rest
Shoulder Press - 10 repetitions
30 second rest

Repeat this entire set 3 times.

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor.  Always warm up before workouts and stretch after workouts

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cheap Yoga Classes in Calgary

$20 for a 20 Class Pass to Core Yoga & Pilates ($280 Value)

A keen yoga regimen can gradually build up your lung strength and teach you how to breathe underwater, but only with the addition of a firm pilates exercise can you develop bullet-proof skin and tentative X-ray vision. Increase your chances of becoming a super-human civilian with today's stupendous deal: $20 for a 20 Class Pass to Core Yoga & Pilates ($280 Value)

If you seek peace and harmony in your busy life, then Core Yoga and Pilates will help you find it. Everything you could ever want in a yoga/pilates studio is within their loving walls, and with classes ranging from mild to spicy and offered at prime time hours like noon and after work, you can be sure that they'll be able to service all your fitness needs. Their Pilates classes will narrow in on strengthening your specific muscle groups while their Yoga Flow gives you the physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that only a well balanced Yoga diet can provide.

Don't allow the work week blues to bring you down when there are practices like yoga available to bring you up. All of Core Yoga and Pilates instructors are certified and have years of experience to bring to the table––or more specifically, to the mat, so change your life today! Namaste.

Q & A with Colin

Here are some recent questions that I've received from my clients about their training:

Q:  I'm working out every day and I'm still not seeing any results, why isn't it working?
A:  I would suggest you check your diet.  It's 75% of the battle, so you can train as hard as you like, but if you're not fueling your body with the proper nutrients, it's a losing battle.  Write yourself a food diary for a week, so you get a better idea of what you're putting into your system.

Q:  I train hard every day and I can't put on any additional mass, how come?
A:  You have to eat more.  Eat.  Eat.  Eat.  But make sure it's good healthy protein that helps you build lean muscle and not junk.  Also, because you're training harder, you will have to consume carbohydrates (stick to complex carbohydrates if possible), as you want your body to use them for energy and use the protein you eat to build muscle.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jersey Shore Lookalike on an Amusement Ride

This was too funny, I had to share it.

Turn up the sound, Guidos cry too...

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mike Miles Introduction Kickboxing Training

So again, I was tempted by those daily deal sites with a kickboxing deal where I get 10 classes for $20.  I couldn't turn such a great deal down, so out came the credit card and I received the voucher via email.  Being a huge MMA fan myself, I find myself wanting to attempt to train like these fighters do, man was I in for a shock.

The studio has a great setup, 7000 square feet with lockers, showers, weight room, kickboxing ring and a huge mat area.  We started out with a warmup, which is similar to what I put my bootcamp classes through, however, he made us go non-stop for about 10 minutes straight before we could take a break.  Having worked out my legs the day before, it should have been a sign for me to stay home, but I forged ahead.  As a result, I almost collapsed from the excessive jumping he made us do because my calves were so sore and tight, but I managed to survive the warmup.

As a beginner, he showed us the jab, cross and knees, as well as the proper kickboxing stance.  Apparently, we don't get to kick and punch each other until we've attended five classes.  That was what I was looking forward to, but I guess it makes sense so that I don't end up breaking my foot on somebody's leg.  I also learned that I'm not as coordinated as I thought with my limbs, that's something I'm going to have to work on.

Overall, it was a great cardio workout.  If you're looking to add some variety to your training, I'd definitely recommend it.

They can be found at