Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Healthy Tips: Variety is the Spice of Life

Remember when you first started your exercise regime and your body would ache for days afterwards. But now that you have gotten into a regular training routine, the soreness is no longer there, and neither are the results. Don't be discouraged, this happens to everybody and it's just muscle adaptation. Your body has gotten to the point where the exercise is great for maintaining your current state, but no longer good enough to produce the significant results that you desire.

Our bodies are amazing machines that can adapt to exercise and workouts very easily. When this happens, we tend to see a plateau in our training and may get discouraged with poorer results. Therefore, it is important that you maintain variety in your training, not only to keep things interesting for yourself mentally, but to also keep your body in peak shape. I would recommend changing your training regimen every two weeks. Try it out and you will be rewarded with better results and exciting workouts.

Here are some suggestions on adding some spice to your training:

• Pyramid training – constantly increase/decrease the weights until exhaustion
• Supersetting – perform 2 exercises back to back without a break in between
• Increase weights and decrease repetitions (4-8 reps) / Decrease weights and increase repetitions (12-20 reps)
• Interval training – steady cardio with bursts of intense cardio. i.e. Run for 5 minutes and sprint for 1 minute for a full hour
• Try something new, such as pole dancing, yoga, kickboxing, bootcamps or crossfit training
• Join a recreational sports league

There are plenty of different activities and workouts to choose from to keep things interesting. And remember that the more you shock your body, the better results you will get, as you are not allowing your body a chance to adapt to a specific exercise pattern. So say goodbye to boring workouts and welcome back those results.

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