Sunday, September 19, 2010

Workout Routine: Easy Poor Person’s Workout

People tend to think that they require access to a full gym in order to get a good workout. But there are many different exercises that you can do without any equipment at all. Your body itself provides enough weight and versatility that you can get a great workout using yourself as the device. Here's a full body workout that you can do absolutely anywhere without the aid of any equipment.

Pushups – these are some of my favourite exercises. Not only do they force you to move your entire body weight, but many muscle groups are activated during each motion. By varying the position of your hands and feet, you can target different areas of the body with the same basic movement.

  • Regular pushups – position your arms at the side of your chest and both toes on the ground.

  • Tricep pushups – position your arms at your upper abdominal area and elbows at side.

  • Diamond pushups – position your hands in a diamond shape with index and thumbs touching and both toes on the ground.
Plyometrics – these explosive and effective exercises improve both cardio and strength. Note that these are more intense exercises. Start slowly at first and when you get the hang of things, try pushing your limits
  • Jump squats – squat down with your bum pushed out, explode into a jump and land back into a squat position
  • Tuck jumps – explosive jump up and tuck your knees up to your stomach
  • Burpees – come down onto your palms and extend both feet out into a pushup position, bring both feet into a squat position and finish with a jump.  Perform this in a couple of quick movements.

Core – most core exercises require no weight at all. Your body weight is sufficient to provide resistance for a good workout, which will test the strength and endurance of this undervalued muscle group

  • V-Situps - Lying on your back with your arms and legs extended, bring your hands and toes up at the same time to form the shape of a V.  Try to touch your hands to your toes
  • Pikes - Starting in plank position on your elbows and toes.  Bring your bum up as high as you can and lower it back into a plank.
  • Side Planks - Start on your elbow and side of your foot.  Raise your hips and lower them again.

Note: anyone engaging in exercise for the first time should first consult a physician.  Also, to ensure good form please consult with an experienced professional or personal trainer. As well, please use a spotter as an additional safety factor and always warm up and stretch

10 regular pushups
10 diamond pushups
10 tricep pushups

30 second rest

15 jump squats
15 tuck jumps
15 burpees

30 second rest

20 v-situps
20 planks
20 side Planks

Repeat this set 3 times.

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